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South Korea plans to train 150,000 semiconductor talents within 10 years

07/21/2022 Korea, Semiconductor Talent, Semiconductor Industry


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  According to foreign media reports, several departments of the South Korean government jointly released a plan on cultivating semiconductor talents on the 19th. The government will cultivate 150,000 semiconductor professionals in the next 10 years. According to the plan, the enrollment quota for semiconductor-related majors in colleges and universities will increase to 5,700 at most.

  This move is intended to solve the shortage of semiconductor talents, provide sufficient talent support for the development of the semiconductor industry, and form a virtuous circle between the development of human resources and the development of the semiconductor industry.

  South Korean semiconductor companies said the plan would ease the shortage of human resources for chipmakers.

  In recent years, South Korea has devoted itself to the cultivation of the semiconductor industry.

  In May 2021, South Korea officially announced a semiconductor industry strategy: investing 510 trillion won (about 450 billion US dollars) in the next 10 years, with the goal of building South Korea into the world's largest semiconductor manufacturing base and leading the global semiconductor supply chain.

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